Saturday, August 14, 2010

Jimmy Fallon's Thank You Notes From Friday, August 13, 2010

Thank you, group of volunteers in the UK who set a new world record for number of nude people who rode a rollercoaster. I just feel bad for the people waiting in line to ride it next.

Thank you, tomorrow, for being Dora the Explorer day all across America. Except for Arizona.

Thank you, Wednesday's Cat Fashion show that took place in New York City. It was awesome seeing all those cats strutting down the person walk.

Thank you, Television Academy, for allowing me to host the primetime Emmy Awards. This is such an honor and I'd like to thank all the people that made it possible. My parents, Lorne Michaels, (the music plays loudly while Jimmy thanks random people).

Thank you, guy standing in front of me in the elevator at work this morning who I basically spooned with standing up. If only the elevator was playing some Ke$ha instead that music, I would have been all up in that piece.

Thank you, mole on my hand. At first, I was disappointed you were there, but now, I'm glad you're growing on me.

Thank you, Cool Ranch Doritos, for being so delicious that I forget that you make my breath smell like dragon barf for the next seven hours after I eat you.

Thank you, Slayer, for performing on my show this week. That's a pretty badass name. You know what is a more badass name than Slayer? Slater.

(Jimmy then sings a song)

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