Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jimmy Fallon's Thank You Notes From Friday, October 16, 2009

Thank you, New York City, for skipping fall and already becoming cold and wintry again. It's like visiting Narnia every time I walk through a revolving door.

Thank you, the gym, for being exactly like my grandpa - always being there, even though I only visit twice a year.

Thank you, Joe Biden's son Bo, for considering a run for your dad's old senate seat. Here's a campaign slogan: Vote vote Bo Biden, Banana Fanana Fo Fiden, For Senate!

Thank you, customer service guy in India who calls himself Todd, thinking that he'll fool me into thinking he's in Omaha and not in New Delhi. Nice try, Todd. Yes, I'll hold.

Thank you, trees that are losing leaves. Soon, you will be nude and you can't do anything about it. You leafless bitch!

Thank you, Calvin Klein, for creating new men's jeans with padding in the crotch. Thanks to you, I can now wear socks on my feet.

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